May 16, 2024

Community Participation in school Education

Policies like NPE 1986 and RTE Act 2009 encourage community involvement in school management to enhance educational quality in India and globally.

Kothari commission (1964-66) focused on need of decentralization of school of education and involvement of parents and local bodies in the processes of improvement of school. NPE 1986 emphasized primarily on decentralized planning and management of primary education. A report (1992) was submitted by veerappa moily to the government of India on decentralization of educational planning ensuring greater community participation in education. National curriculum frame work (2005) also emphasized to encourage community participation as a means of enhancing quality education. There is a provision to constitute school management committees in RTE act 2009. This paper focuses on policy and practices of community participation in the school education after Independence in India. It also focuses on International scenario of community participation in school education. It also identifies some proper functioning of school committees. Suggestions are given to improvement of proper function of school committees.

Most educationists around the world have been striving hard to attain the goals of quality education through parents and community participation in school.