June 6, 2024


A poison is any substance that is harmful to your body. You might swallow it,inhale it, inject it, or absorb it through your skin. Any substance can be poisonous if too much is taken.

Poisons can include

·Prescription or over-the-counter medicines taken in doses that is too high.

·Overdoses of illegal drugs.

·Carbon monoxide from gas appliances.

·Household products, such as laundry powder or furniture polish.


·Metals such as lead and mercury.

Types of poisoning: There are several types of poisoning that can occur, depending on the substance involved and the way in which it enters the body. Here are some of the most common types of poisoning:

1. Ingestion Poisoning: This occurs when someone swallows a toxic substance, either accidentally or intentionally. Examples of ingested poisons include household cleaners, medications, and poisonous plants.

2. Inhalation Poisoning:This occurs when someone breathes in toxic fumes or gases, such as carbon monoxide or chlorine gas. This type of poisoning is often associated with industrial accidents, fires, and other environmental hazards.

3. Injection Poisoning:This occurs when a toxic substance is injected into the body, such as through the use of contaminated needles or syringes. Injection poisoning is commonly associated with drug abuse.

4. Absorption Poisoning:This occurs when a toxic substance is absorbed through the skin, either bydirect contact or through prolonged exposure to a contaminated environment.Examples are pesticides, lead, and mercury.

5. Radiation Poisoning:This occurs when the body is exposed to high levels of ionizing radiation, such as in the aftermath of a nuclear accident or a nuclear weapon detonation.Radiation poisoning can cause a range of serious health effects, including radiation sickness, cancer, and organ damage.


1.      Remove unabsorbed poison by vomiting, gastric lavage.

2.      Antidotes:(a) Physical antidote (b) Chemical antidotes (c) Physiological antidote.

3.      Excrete absorbed poison by forced diuresis, cathartics, use of hot packs for sweating,dialysis.

4.      To treat the general symptoms and maintain victims general condition.