May 16, 2024


Gender discrimination is a menace in India, and one of those is transgender people who suffer violence and discrimination in society. Transgender are individuals who differ in stereotypes and their appearance. Being different in society, they suffer social oppression. The problems include education, employment, health facilities, and so on. Moreover, people are categorizing gender into two, but they forget there is another gender, which we call the 'Third Gender.' They are also the citizens of the Country and should have equal status and respect, which other citizens are getting. Then, why are they discriminated in the society? These people are the creations of God. And the most significant gift is 'Humankind.'

After the judgment passed in 2014(NALSA Case) and 2018 (Navtej Singh Johar Case) by the Supreme Court, the situation will improve, but some people's minds are not yet. The constitution has provided fundamental rights to every citizen of this country, but they shall not be judged based on gender. Further, The Transgender Persons(Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 was passed to protect their dignity and societal rights. But still, the implementation of the Act is lacking somewhere for their recognition in society. Today also, transgender people are facing atrocities due to their sexual orientation. For example, the abrogation of Article 370 in the Country where Kashmiri's transgender people has faced a lot of challenges due to their double marginalization (Muslim and non-conforming gender). They have suffered a lot and are required to stay in confined places.Therefore, there is a need to recognize such people with respect and dignity.