May 18, 2024

What Role Do Mechanical Engineers Play in Our Society?

In the post-pandemic world of 2020, the value of mechanical engineers to our society has come to light. By addressing current healthcare issues and creating new ones, mechanical engineers have collaborated with the healthcare industry to develop technologies that support physicians and humanity as a whole. Medical devices, individualized medications, and surgical instruments have all been produced by mechanical engineers using 3Dprinting technology. Mechanical engineers improve the global supply chain and scale up therapeutics in addition to helping with production. The digital world of the pandemic integrated with the wave of new technologies from the fourth industrial revolution as engineers remotely conceived designs. Before 2020,digital twins were already a significant time and resource saver, and they were now an essential part of designing and testing.

Mechanical engineers are increasingly involved in the design, development, manufacturing, and testing of hybrid electric vehicles, battery management systems, and electrical safety as electric vehicle technology advances in the automotive industry.

Previously, mechanical engineers were involved in power generation, whether hydro or thermal. In recent years, they have made significant contributions to the development of renewable energy infrastructure around the world, ranging from large solar projects to using wind, ocean, or tidal energy to generate power. Aside from the roles mentioned above, mechanical engineers are involved in space exploration, climate change, sensor and controller integration, and many other areas. Mechanical engineers and computer scientists are collaborating in the Industry 4.0 era to make machines communicate without the need for human intervention, preserving the possibility of developing a smart factory.

To summarize, the role of a mechanical engineers not limited to manufacturing, but also to take a product from concept to customer. To accomplish this, a mechanical engineer must be able to design them for functionality, aesthetics, and durability, as well as determine the best manufacturing approach that will ensure their operation without failure.